Saturday, July 31, 2010

Glen's 3rd annual 8 K

I really want to eventually go back to the beginning of my running "career". But as this is the 9th race I have ran since April 10th I thought I would start with this one!

        I was really glad when I was able to leave work and head over to Whit and Cody's  with Jared.  Kelly had just arrived from Atlanta, when he turned his phone on, had urgent messages from work. He was able to work from Whitley's though. While he was working, I complained to anyone who would listen to me about work. Jared had already heard it all on the way to Whitley's. Poor guy.
       We headed to Olive Garden to "carb up" for the race! It was James birthday so we were celebrating with Marsha, James and the boys. Well, to be honest, we would have went to carb up if it wasn't James birthday! Its just what we do before a race! I griped about work some more. Talked about running some. Tried to keep that to a minimum as Walker thinks its boring. We laughed alot, as usual when we all get together!  We went back to Whits for some awesome Birthday cake. Marsha had even bought party favors for everyone! 
     One of the boys (Walker) started having the little army men party favors do sexual positions. It was funnier than it sounds here, I promise!
      We tried to go to bed early, but I was to nervous to sleep much. Got dressed for the race and snuck out, trying not to wake the kids. Stopped for gas and energy drinks on the way. The guy at QT thought I was going to a dodge ball tournament!? I was like "No, I am going to run a 5 mile race!"  He said hes done that 2-3 times. like it was no big deal. Jerk! A dodge ball tournament? Do adults really have dodge ball tournaments?!
      We made it to the race before the start, which was good. Not in time to use the porta potty, which was bad. Right when the race was starting I saw a friend from the Daily Mile!  We ran together for 5k, then I had to walk. I then met another girl from Daily Mile. So we ran together, and walked together some, until James came back to cheer me on. I told Kim "Oh hell, there is my brother, I have to run!" He yelled at me to kick it in. I had too much left in my tank to be walking!  He should be a coach, he really motivated me!  Kelly and Marsha was yelling from the sidelines too. I really did kick it in when I saw how close to an hour I was!
      It was so much fun.  I did decide I visited to much during the race. Next time I am all business. Well, not next time. Its the Tulsa Mud Run! Can't be to serious when your playing in the mud!